Pig Learning Swedish

He’s smarter than a dog, potty trained, eats only $12 food-mix in 6 months. Eats scraps too, no dairy or meat. He’ll weigh between 20 kilos (44 pounds) & 40 kilos. They’ll try to keep him nearer to 20 kilos. He’ll stay at the stables (whenever warm enough) to entertain the kids waiting to take horseback riding lessons–dressage & jumping.

Kendra (granddaughter) says Backa twice in the video. Pig gives a little snort after the 2nd one. He’s thinking “Come On Now!” (Then she says something different.) I asked Tom to do something he didn’t want to do & he gave a little snort like Pig.  

I see on Facebook (from a translation to English) that his name is Pluto. I’m thinking Porky would be better if it’s not too demeaning. Remember Bugs Bunny, What’s up doc?” There was Porky Pig, “That’s all folks!” cartoon too. Pig’ll be learning more tricks & I’ll post the links.
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18 Responses to Pig Learning Swedish

  1. cheerfulmonk says:

    I don’t particularly like the name Pluto, but Porky would be worse. I would call him Arnold, because the very smart pig in the TV series Green Acres was named Arnold.

  2. Yes, “Porky” is too demeaning. He’s not in a pen with nothing to do but eat Slop. He’ll be trim, running around the farm. Now I like “Pluto”. Pluto was kicked out of being a planet, but now he’s a STAR!

  3. Lydia says:

    Nathalie named in Pluto, but I most often call him “Grisen” which means “The Pig”, but I say it with affection 😉
    He understands the things we have taught him. Come to us when we call, turn around, take some steps backwards, shake hands, jump (he lifts his two frount feet), touch a target with his snout, and fetch small items. He is only 15 weeks, so there are not many animals, like puppys that can do all those things. I am currently teaching him to sit. He is potty trained too by the way.

    • When Lydia was in early grade school she wanted a dog so she could teach him tricks. We had cats who don’t do tricks. She tried to teach the neighbor dog tricks but he was too old. “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” We didn’t get a dog. (sigh)

  4. tammyj says:

    I LOVE THAT LITTLE PIG !!! but then I love pigs. the movie babe is one reason I became vegetarian. have not eaten pork since.
    they are highly intelligent.
    he backs up when she says backa! and he’s just a baby!
    I hope they will never turn him into bacon … when he’s fully grown and not so “cute”.
    he will always be a sweetheart.
    and from just re-reading lydia’s comment… I think he will be part of the family forever!
    THANK YOU for posting again bhb! ♥

  5. don juan says:

    I think a little piggy would be a good house pet, even if he grows up to be cute no longer. I wasn’t cute after I grew up, either.

    • Lydia says:

      He will always be a pet, never food, but we will see how long my husband will let us have him in the kitchen and not the stables!

  6. Maria says:

    Hi, BikeHikeBabe, I have to laugh remembering Green Acres. I was very young when it was current. Pigs, from what I’ve read, are supposed to be better pets than dogs, but apparently they can grow from tiny piglets to HUGE creatures. I really don’t know if I could cope with that.

    • He’s a special breed called Mini Pig. Should stay near 20 kilos (44 lbs) if he stays active & they don’t feed him too much. Remember it’s all about Diet & Exercise. 🙂

      • cheerfulmonk says:

        And genetics. Some people try starving potbellied pigs to keep them from growing too much, even though they’re genetically programmed to be as big as 130 pounds when they’re full grown. They’re not Mini Pigs.

  7. If that’s the case he’ll have to be traded for a Teacup Pig. See photo:

  8. mayoe says:

    I see it as “porkchops”.

  9. tammy j says:

    you may never see this!
    i just couldn’t not try to contact you after hearing what monk told us about your knee injury and surgery. oh bhb. of all the damn things to happen to one of the neatest funniest people i know!
    i’m so sorry.
    it’s got to hurt like crazy.
    take care dear heart.
    your fans are waiting for your swift return to good health!!! XOXOX ♥

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